Negative Effects of soy on men
Updated February 14 2025
From old site;
September 12, 2019
Update 2025- I guess this was the good old days, back in 2017 when I wrote this, we didn’t know much back then. Now we are learning everything in modern society is estrogenic and soy is everywhere, near the bottom I added in a list of products you can find soy in.
More articles to come and how to combat the estrogen in everything. Throw out your plastic cutting board. Double check your canned tuna for soy- also it has the estrogenic plastic lining…Anyone else have “you can’t eat X anymore” fatigue? What’s next? (hint; don’t eat bugs or worms)
This is a banger of a study, eating soy can turn you hypergonadal, this fellow was ingesting a lot but you can see where this leads. Secondary Hypogonadism due to Excessive Ingestion of Isoflavone in a Man
Soy, or soya bean, is a type of leguminous plant that primary grows in eastern parts of Asia. Soy is marketed as a protein source for men and women alike. The growing popularity of this industrial product stems from the fact that it’s cheap to produce. Food manufacturers use this as a protein “filler” to top up protein counts in food products. Numerous studies have shown that soy is an inferior source of protein and can have negative effects on men.
According to Ahn-Jarvis et al. (2015), soy protein alters the physiological responses in men and disrupts estrogen levels. The active ingredient in soy, isoflavones, behaves like estrogen. Estrogen, erroneously connotated as a female-exclusive hormone, plays an important role is the male body’s hormone equilibrium (Thrane, Paulsen, Orcutt and Krieger 2016). However, elevated levels of estrogen stunts muscle development, lowers testosterone, increases cortisol levels, causes gynecomastia, decreases libido, and even reduces sperm production.
Soy, the man killer
Gyno from too much soy proteinMale breasts from hormone imbalance YES you can feed babies with it.
A study in 2007 provided male test subjects over the age of 18 two scoops (56g) of soy protein powder a day for 28 days. The subjects’ testosterone levels decreased 19% during their use of soy protein powder and induced estrogen activity. Their testosterone levels increased 2 weeks after discontinuing soy consumption. In 2014, a study done by Neacsu, Fyfe, Horgan and Johnstone found that excessive soy consumption led to infertility and erectile dysfunction.
99 male test subjects being treated for infertility were found to have been on a continuous soy diet for three months. Their consumption of soy protein on daily basis were exposing them to unanticipated and highly adverse effects of high levels of estrogen in their body. Similarly, Asian men, such as those from China, India, Japan and Indonesia, consume higher amounts of soy compared to American men. It was found in a 2014 study (Horgervorst 2014) that as a result, these Asian men are 10% more likely to experience erectile dysfunction.
In addition to hormonal effects, serious long-term health conditions and illnesses can be attributed to high soy consumption. This includes thyroid irregularity, bladder cancer, prostate cancer and dementia, particularly those over 65. Men in Indonesia and China with tofu in their diets were found to have lower memory functions and an increased risk of dementia (Horgervorst 2014).
men have become quite feminized. Sean Penn -Variety
As a protein source, soy has a slower protein synthesis than whey, casein and pea proteins and contain “anti-nutrients” like lecithin and protein inhibitors that block the digestion and absorption of nutrients. Not all protein sources are equal and some forms of protein are better than others. For those who take fitness seriously, using soy proteins could hinder or reverse progress made at the gym. Consumption of high-quality proteins like meat and whey in favour of lower-quality proteins like soy can lead to a reduction of muscle mass or even atrophy.
Soy makes it harder for men to lose weight
Soy has been marketed as a “superfood” but there is controversy over this product. While there can be some health benefits for women when it comes to soy, males should take more caution. The prevalence of soy as an ingredient in everyday foods will lead to excessive consumption. Manufacturers are routinely hiding soy in foods such as bread, meat products with filler (hamburgers) protein bars (Cliff bars), infant formula and other common foods. To avoid soy and its detrimental effects start checking labels as an important step in maintaining male virility and health.
Soy and Lecithin in Common Foods
Common and Expected Sources
- Tofu, tempeh, and other direct soy products
- Asian sauces (soy sauce, teriyaki, hoisin)
- Plant-based meat alternatives and veggie burgers
- Many vegetarian and vegan processed foods
- Most Asian cuisine dishes
- Most Protein bars
Lecithin (commonly soy-derived)
- Chocolate bars and chocolate coatings
- Margarine and other spreads
- Protein powders and meal replacement shakes
- Commercial baked goods
- Salad dressings
Unexpected or Hidden Sources
Surprising Soy Sources
- Canned tuna
- Vegetable broth often contains soy and other surprising things
- Commercial breads and pastries (soy flour as dough conditioner)
- Breakfast cereals (soy protein as nutritional addition)
- Processed meats like hot dogs and deli meats (soy protein filler)
- Energy bars and granola bars (soy protein isolate)
- Artificial Coffee creamers (soy-based ingredients)
Unexpected Lecithin Sources
- Ice cream and frozen desserts (as an emulsifier)
- Candy and confectionery (prevents sugar crystallization)
- Instant tea and coffee mixes (improves dissolving properties)
- Packaged pancake and waffle mixes
- Baby formula and infant foods
- Non-dairy whipped toppings
- Cooking sprays (as a release agent)
- Chewing gum (as a softening agent)
- Natural flavor packages (as a carrier)
Important Note
Many products may list “lecithin” without specifying its source. While soy is the most common source, lecithin can also be derived from sunflower seeds or eggs.
Reducing Soy Intake
To minimize the negative effects of soy, it’s important to be mindful of your dietary choices. Carefully reading food labels is crucial, as soy is often hidden in processed foods under various names like textured vegetable protein (TVP), lecithin, and emulsifiers. Opting for whole, unprocessed foods and cooking from scratch can significantly reduce soy consumption. Choosing lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy as primary protein sources can also help ensure adequate protein intake without relying on soy-based products.
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Effect of proteolytic modification and methionine enrichment on the nutritional value of soya albumins for rats